“But rains pour down upon us, storm clouds darken the skies and we get lost in the storm. Have you been there? Wandering in the darkness, crying out only to be greeted with utter silence?"

~ Lesley Hitchens ~

"God puts rainbows in the clouds so that each of us in the dreariest and most dreaded moments can see a possibility of hope.”

~ Maya Angelou ~

Monday, May 11, 2015


Pawprints. This one was by the mailboxes on our street. We had lots and lots of rain recently so therefore lots of mud... I saw this checking my mail today and wondered who's dog it was. Then I was thinking that from the print, obviously it was a dog, and by the print it left, I knew that. So, the footprints that you leave behind, what story do they tell? I figured this one was a stray or a dog being walked while the owner checked their mail.

So everyday that you walk, what prints are you leaving behind? What story are you leaving behind? I was at McDonald's today and I was chatting with another parent in there. Simple chatting about ringtones and technology but also about old video games we used to play as kids. He obviously left a print behind because I remember the conversation. Minor compared to many things yes, however what you say and do leaves a print.

I have been told many negative things regarding my children and 'what's wrong with them' but so much more good. Yet one bad mark is often harder to erase then the good. Just how our brains work.

Something to think about, what print are you leaving for others behind you? What are you doing today that will impact someone else? All of us in the play area got laughs today at my eight year old being silly to 'bad to the bone' ringtone. Yeah, I set that for when my husband calls. She left a print today. Big or small, we all leave prints. Paying it forward at Sonic, all the way to seeing an emergency situation and helping out. Even bigger when it comes to sharing the faith. We leave our mark all around. Often we don't see it but those around us do. We leave anything from microscopic prints all the way up to T-Rex sized prints, if not bigger. The size isn't often seen by us as much as it is those around us. One person may see small prints but the next one in the same moment as the one who sees small, may see huge prints. Perspectives make a difference but what you do makes it even more.

What kind of mark will you leave? Where will you leave your footprints?

My storm today: BUSY!!
My rainbow today: Fun being silly with my kids. :)

What's yours?

~ Special Momma ~

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