“But rains pour down upon us, storm clouds darken the skies and we get lost in the storm. Have you been there? Wandering in the darkness, crying out only to be greeted with utter silence?"

~ Lesley Hitchens ~

"God puts rainbows in the clouds so that each of us in the dreariest and most dreaded moments can see a possibility of hope.”

~ Maya Angelou ~

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

We are broken, not bitter

So close yet so far. Heart aches yet nobody sees it. So many faces yet I am a mere ghost. I am seen but yet I am not. They say I am loved but am I really? If I was, wouldn't they want to value friendship? Value time? Value your company?

If one is loved, then why does the world show otherwise? Why in the midst of the trials in life, do they flee?

Why is it that those you think will be an anchor with you, abandon and leave you alone to fight? Why do they choose to stab you when you are blind to them?

Why is it the ones you least expect this from, give it to you first?

Stick with me here.

We aren't called to walk in this world alone but so often it seems as if you are. Sometimes walking in solace is good. Sometimes being alone is good. Often it is not. Yet why do we often feel as if our solace is broken? Solace means peace in times of trial.

"But rains pour down upon us, storm clouds darken the skies and we get lost in the storm. Have you been there? Wandering in the darkness, crying out only to be greeted with utter silence?"
~ Lesley Hitchens ~

"I may not be out of the dark yet. I may not be standing in full sunshine. But the moon has risen in the dark, and it’s full, and it’s bright, and I can imagine the sunlight on the horizon. For now, that’s enough." ~ Beth Woolsey ~

Many of us aren't bitter, we are broken. Broken from years of lies, backstabbing and outright hate.

Years of broken promises, false love, false security. Years of being told by others that they are your friend and there for you and yet it's all a lie. We are broken, not bitter.

We are promised that we could have a mentor, friend or someone like that, yet when times get tough and they start to see the ugly in you that every single one of us have, they back away.

They see all of you and they run. You rarely hear from them if at all....

They all say you are irreplaceable yet it's in the storms, in the dark, you are replaced because nobody wants to deal with it with you.

It is then that you realize you really are alone...... Yet we are not because God is with us, even if we can't feel it..... Sometimes it's all but impossible to see that. Sometimes....

It's hard to feel God's love when you don't feel loved by most around you. It's hard to feel like we matter to anyone when they don't value us. It is hard to see ourselves when the world sees us as a broken reflection. It is hard to see the love in this world when our eyes have been shattered too many times that we can't see it any other way.

We are broken, not bitter.

Yet once something is broken, it is never the same.

Glass once broken shatters. Even if you put every piece back together in it's proper places, it doesn't look the same. It's been broken.

Yet sometimes in that brokenness, beauty can be found in the most unlikely places. Think of a glass mosaic. All pieces of broken glass intended likely for something else. Yet put together with glue, plaster, etc. to make the most interesting creation.

Feel free...... There are days that we feel trapped but we truly are free, if we allow ourselves to be. In the end, nobody's opinion matters but God's. Even if the pain that others inflict on us created us to be broken, not bitter. Maybe it is time to release ourselves from those who make us feel broken. If they won't change, then we must be the ones to make the change happen.  Don't become bitter as this leads to hate and apathy.

I shared other thoughts last night in the post titled, Night Reflections

~ Special Momma ~

"God uses broken people like you and me to rescue broken people like you and me."
~ Eddie Cortes ~

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