“But rains pour down upon us, storm clouds darken the skies and we get lost in the storm. Have you been there? Wandering in the darkness, crying out only to be greeted with utter silence?"

~ Lesley Hitchens ~

"God puts rainbows in the clouds so that each of us in the dreariest and most dreaded moments can see a possibility of hope.”

~ Maya Angelou ~

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Night Reflections

This pic is an older one I took but even as it rained last night on my way home from community band, my thoughts were going. My son right now has a common illness but still no fun. I'm just glad it happened now and not during a time of appointments that we really had to have for him. Looking on TimeHop (An 'on this day' in the past app) it's crazy to see where we have been. A year ago I was already waiting on my son's first MRI that would be a few months later. Two years ago today a tornado hit where I used to live at in Indiana, and was the funeral for a fellow cranio patient I had the honor to meet in Louisville back in 2011... Three years ago my daughter was still recovering from surgery, and five years ago we were dealing with a new asthma diagnosis with my daughter.

It's always at night or on drives that thoughts go in my head the most.... Hence, night reflections. In the rains and storms, the roads are hard to see sometimes, especially at night. The lights reflect back so much that it almost looks like your road is a mirror. The journey feels like that sometimes..... Yet after the storms, so much is made clearer.

This pic was after the storms and rain moved out. It was much more brilliant than my camera can get. Soon after though, I got this as the sun was setting.

Darkness was falling upon us and night was coming yet sometimes as the storms, as the dark rolls into our lives, we can know the good and beauty that comes out of it. We can't see the brilliance of the moon without it being dark first. Light is brighter the darker it is.

Sometimes it's so hard to remember this but we must......

Sometimes the journey feels like it's midnight and we are climbing up the steep mountain of vanity it feels like and despite the little light from the moon shining down upon us, we feel like we are about to fall to our death.We look up and we can see the stars and the moon in the sky during our climb but as a foot slips, we also look down into the never ending dark abyss below and wonder how long we can keep holding on...... 

I can't find the quote right now for the life of me to properly post it here but the one I know, it basically says that sometimes when the moon is full and bright in a dark time of our lives, we can use that to remember that dawn will come. Accept the full moon for now and the light it gives.

Here it is, I finally found it.
"I may not be out of the dark yet. I may not be standing in full sunshine. But the moon has risen in the dark, and it’s full, and it’s bright, and I can imagine the sunlight on the horizon. For now, that’s enough."
Quoted from
Hang on to even that last thread of the rope that you are clinging to because dawn will come, you will have your footing again and you will make it.

Hang in there!

~ Special Momma ~

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