“But rains pour down upon us, storm clouds darken the skies and we get lost in the storm. Have you been there? Wandering in the darkness, crying out only to be greeted with utter silence?"

~ Lesley Hitchens ~

"God puts rainbows in the clouds so that each of us in the dreariest and most dreaded moments can see a possibility of hope.”

~ Maya Angelou ~

Thursday, September 28, 2017


I'm also working on another post, maybe the last one about our stuff related to Dallas for a bit but it had me thinking about the roads we walk.

Often on my drives to and from appointments, mainly the out of county ones, my mind gets to thinking about a lot..... The above pic was taken on my way home taking a shorter way from Little Rock. It was the evening from my son's MRI. So much trepidation, fears, worries, what if's and more were going through my head the way home. Even as my son and I were copying each other and being silly, my brain just couldn't get into the moment. Though when I stopped long enough to get this pic, after I kept going, I had an epiphany. Sounds silly but it made me think of those times where you cross paths with someone, often just once but you cross paths, never to be remembered or thought of again. Yet what did you do or not do for that person who you crossed paths with?

Other people we cross paths over and over and over again.

Yet how often do we just stand there like this dude and wonder what is next? What path should we take? Who should we call, visit or text? Who do we think cares enough to hear from us or even hear what's been going on in life, good or bad?

I think it's not that people INTEND to always make promises then break them, they let life keep them too busy to the point where they think of someone they promised to be there for or mentor to or help and then they forget. They go to bed THEN remember, if then. Then they tell themselves they will shoot a quick text in the morning then forget that too. Yet this is what leaves people hurt, alone and isolated. Even in the Christian church world. Even people you trusted. Those promised they would never give up, do...... Intentional or not, they do.

Or let's look at that pic in another way. Our journey..... How often do we come across times in our lives like this where we are forced to choose a path and hope to God it takes us where we wish it would, or even feel like we are forced to take a certain way?


Or how often do we take a path just to have it closed on us, blocked off, flooded? Destroyed?

That's this journey....

All of it.....

People I have met and know I'll never see again. People I got to see many times and now will never see again due to the insurance hurricane. Destroyed.....

People who move away, or you move away.

People who promised to be there for you and weren't.

People who said they loved you and don't.

People who you thought "got it" yet instead of that, they used it against you.

The doctor gives you a new diagnosis, or that a diagnosis is getting worse. Welcome to Unknownville.... Even if you think you will get a textbook case, sometimes that gets lost too and you have to navigate without it because you know you or your child are NOT textbook cases. Welcome to my son.

The comments from people, even Christians that were intended to either silence you or hurt you. Even sometimes those that weren't intended that way, do.....

The texts, calls and or IM's you send to people who you thought cared or were your friend and you are ignored, forgotten..... They say they will get back with you and never do. You always initiate contact, rarely if ever them.... Even those who you least expected to be like this....

People you go to church with, work with, even neighbors that live right next to you...

They just disappear..... Sometimes with warning, sometimes with none.... Sometimes you still see them, even often, they just ignore you and other times they are gone forever.

Often they never come back or if they do, many of them it's because they want something then as soon as they get it, they leave again......

Yet I read the following the other day.
It really fit.....

What I hate admitting about being a special needs mom
By: Whitney Barthel

Being the mother of a child who requires special attention is a very private matter. Most people take parents of special needs children for their face value, never really thinking about the hard truths they face from day to day.

As Daniel gets older his diagnosis becomes more apparent…and at times more painful. Daniel was a typical baby; he did the typical baby things. At the start of life everything is pretty much an even playing field.

As time went on we saw his development steadily slow. First he was weeks behind children his age, then a month or two, and now the inevitable year (gulp). As I struggle with his progress, or at times the lack thereof, I feel the need to reach out to other parents, with or without children like mine, in hopes to connect or help others understand.

Here are a few of my hard truths:

1. Avoidance is key: When Daniel was born I would relish the fact that he was “right on track” for a child his age. Now it is a different matter. I avoid development charts and articles at all costs. Theodore Roosevelt said, “Comparison is the thief of joy.” I find this to be true.

2. I lie: There. I said it. Not big lies, but tiny little ones. When people ask me if Daniel is eating solids yet or if he is saying anything new, I try to come up with something, anything to get them to not utter the words “I’m so sorry.” I don’t know about other special needs parents but those words are like kryptonite. I hate them. Please do not feel sorry for me.

3. I’m jealous: This is hard for me. I am not naturally a jealous person. I see children that were born the same time as Dan and it almost kills me that they are potty trained, can talk full sentences, will color quietly for hours on end, and can say elephant in three languages…or whatever kids are doing at their age.

4. A constant failure: There is not a day that I lay down my head thinking I did enough to help Dan succeed in this world. I am always worrying that I’m not doing enough to help him “be all that he can be.” Maybe there’s a therapist we should be seeing? Did I read enough with him today? Maybe we should have worked harder or longer on our animal sounds? The list is endless.

5. Feeling left out: There are times when social media and networking sucks. I loathe the mornings I log in to Facebook only to find new pictures of some awesome birthday party that we weren’t invited to. This might be the most painful thing for me. I pray our exclusion from fun outings and parties is because the moms in our community think I’m a huge “B” and not because they don’t want to invite Dan.

6. I am proud: Being a mom of “typical” and “special” children gives me the authority to say what I am about to. Having a child that has to work one hundred times harder to achieve something that comes easily to another is at times frustrating. That being said, when special children achieve something remarkable (like talking or walking), there is no greater joy in THE WORLD. There are many times I am so proud and my heart is so full that I cry- a lot.

Often my tears aren't because of the joys, which there are joys for sure, often my tears are for the disasters, the storms, the damage, the crash onto the island of Unknownville for who knows how long despite trying to just navigate the Holland I did know since I let go of Italy many years ago, The many times I have crashed onto the multiple islands called Unknownville..... The long "nights" where even sometimes the stars are dimmer than normal, sometimes the moon is nowhere to be seen. The times of deafening silence from the world and other times of "screaming" criticism and judgment.... Some of the emotions that have ran rampant often but especially since August 11th....

The anger for the injustice my children face when the medical world or anyone else for that matter would rather spit in their face than get them what they truly need or deserve. The anger for those who would rather assume I'm a lazy fat ass mom who does nothing during the day and leech off the government when in fact, many of them would never survive being me. They wouldn't have even survived what I did by the time I was 18 let alone now! The anger for the third time in three months I'm having to tell a new insurance case manager our story because the one before them is no longer on our case for whatever BS excuse reason they can muster up. The anger because I have to rebuild everything our medical journey stood on, which was Dallas. The anger because fat cat bureaucrats have more power over everything than anyone else does, no matter how much we fight it.

The anger mixed with sadness blends in when I see the posts of the birthday parties of moms I'm friends with, who I know their girls are friends with mine yet mine isn't invited to the parties that those same moms are posting about and much more things in the social world.... When my child is in tears because of our loss of Dallas, (Cried twice since she learned of it. Third time at school the other day.) More headaches, more unknowns, more wars with trying to get schoolwork done and she's frustrated and so are we and more....

What I fear is the future my kids face in the medical world that is quickly getting worse and worse and more and more expensive on all sides, yet the care and compassion from not just the medical world but the world as a whole is rapidly dwindling. As much as I someday want grandkids, I truly wonder what kind of world will be here when my children are my age...

What kind of world will we be in then? How cold and cruel and heartless will it be? I pray it isn't but we are on the highway to it already...... When will we find an exit to go back to where we should be? I pray Jesus comes soon because I believe He will be the only saving grace from it..... Though watching The Good Doctor the other night gave me some hope that MAYBE despite all of the cruelness and harshness Shaun was facing, even in fellow physicians around him, that is in the world around us, those with special needs are finally being seen as worthy and seen for the shining gems they really are. I pray my children and even someday their children will be seen that way too....

Tonight is Celebrate Recovery. I look forward to it because it's one of the few places that I can say what is going on without fear of condemnation.....

The question for small groups tonight will be this: How has pride stopped you from asking for and getting help to overcome your hurts, habits and hang-ups?

For me I think it is that:
1) When I have asked for help, I don't get it, I'm put down, I'm criticized, I'm judged and often pending on the type of help, it's not done the way I think it should so I just do it myself.
2) I don't want to be seen as "weak" and asking for help, no matter the type to me is "weakness"
3) I figure I'm just going to be forgotten about anyway so why bother?
4) Finding anyone who is willing to hear my story, hear where I am in the journey, understand where I am and WANT to know anything is slim to none...
5) Because of all the above, I quit asking. I quit checking in on those who never have me. I quit reaching out just to get my hand chopped off. I'm tired of liars, intentional or not.... If you want to be my friend then act like it, not just when it's good for you. If you want to mentor me then by all means do but don't quit when it's convenient and or I'm in a storm. Loyalty means nothing these days.....

Perhaps in all of that, I have let pride get in the way that I don't want wounded again, yet who does? Yet I suppose in taking that chance that I won't be wounded, I have to chance those that will too, which I have seen are most.

There are many things I am powerless with and often not having that control drives me nuts.... And I know I gotta deal with that... The acrostic for POWERLESS is:

Only If's

I don't deal with all of that but I often deal with much of that..... The storms only bring it out more. Even when I see the rainbow, instead of focusing on that, I focus on the devastation of what is left after the storm, The ruins and how to clean up.... Which I have done with Dallas as a prime example..... Fear is my culprit of that.

This is where I will leave off and have another post on this hopefully by early next week... I just gotta remember to stay focused on God and not the storm.....

~ Special Momma ~

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