“But rains pour down upon us, storm clouds darken the skies and we get lost in the storm. Have you been there? Wandering in the darkness, crying out only to be greeted with utter silence?"

~ Lesley Hitchens ~

"God puts rainbows in the clouds so that each of us in the dreariest and most dreaded moments can see a possibility of hope.”

~ Maya Angelou ~

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Fallen and Risen for Battle

It's a battle. Good Lord, it's a battle.....

I first heard Audiomachine yesterday. This was the song I heard first. Wow... Just wow... No words are needed yet when I listened to that, It's like I can feel my soul rise up and look up, ready for battle. Other songs make you feel the mourning that whichever song implies. I would love to buy all of their albums and play their music straight through. I had a friend years ago introduce me to Enigma but these guys are better I think.

Much of that reminds me of the journey I'm on. Days I have fallen, wounded in battle, not sure if I will die or not, my heart ripped open and bleeding... Other days when I know the monster is just outside my door and I am pumped for battle, I have risen, ready to slay the beast, no matter how big and bad it is. There are other days when I am terrified of what awaits me, what will breathe down my neck that day, what monster is waiting to devour my very soul. The battle of titans, two worlds at war within.

Image: "Battle of Titans", by Prolian


Yet as much as sometimes I hate fighting monsters, I remember that within me is a dragon willing to fiercely fight and protect what is most dear to me. With God by my side, nothing can defeat me. It may knock me down, I may be wounded but I will not be defeated!


"When there is no dawn, when darkness has prevailed over the light, when you lose your hope. Only then, hope can be born again. Only from the ashes, hope can rise again. The Light always shines brightest in the bleakest Darkness. When the times comes, you will know there is something in you that you haven't discovered yet. You will feel like a ball of energy is trying to leave your chest. A power that you have yet to unlock. When the time comes that you are ready, believe it. You have much more in you than you ever imagined. The fire of a thousands suns is waiting to unleash their power from inside you. When the times comes, let your eternal flame burn like a million suns. Let your power lead you to the suns..."
~Silent Watcher quotes ~

The night may be war but the ashes and smoke that is revealed at dawn is not just a display of the destruction but of what can be recreated, reborn. Hope can be reborn. What matters is what you see, and how you see it, and most importantly, what you do because of it.

Remember, heroes, fear is your greatest enemy in these befouled halls. Steel your heart and your soul will shine brighter than a thousand suns. The enemy will falter at the sight of you. They will fall as the light of righteousness envelops them!"

Hope is never lost until you are dead.

Remember that. May I remember that too, no matter what kind of day it is. Today is an IEP meeting and I hope it goes well. Next week, will be my dragon to slay...

You know you like a shirt with its message and symbolism when you get it way big and wash on hot to try to shrink..... On purpose!
Purple for chiari, lavender for craniofacial along with the butterflies. Reminder to enjoy the journey, even if some days you fight to find the joy..... Even as big as this shirt will be, I will still wear it on the MRI day next week.... No matter what news we get from it...

May I go into battle each day hoping for a win but also being prepared for whatever comes. Whatever God's will for me is... So be it.... When I fall on some days, no matter how wounded, may I never forget to rise back up and bravely fight again, no matter what.


~ Special Momma ~

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