I have so many songs that I will listen to depending on my mood or what just simply gets stuck in my head. Just over six months ago was my son's chiari decompression, again... Sometimes the song that was stuck in my head during that time, (Ordinary World) still gets stuck and it takes me back to that week in Dallas and the rough recovery yet crazy how fast six months has flown by.....
When I get in my "warrior" mode, lately it's been this song. Audiomachine - Akkadian Empire and it just gets me pumped up for whatever battle it is that's breathing down my neck... For those that don't know, music also touches my life in a different way.
My 9 year daughter started playing trumpet almost a month now. She's learning that it's harder than it looks but she's so determined! (Usually...) That is good!
When I first started, it was the summer before 7th grade. Most has been in since 5th grade but I went in late. My first day in 7th grade band, I didn't know what a Bb concert scale was or really how to keep beat well. Music was in my family though, going back several generations so I was bound to make it work. Band was really always my best "grade" in school because I was lucky to get B's in everything else. I was proud to always get an A in band. I had only been playing two years when I started marching band. That first year of marching band my freshman year, changed so much..... It destroyed the plating on my flute (My Artley) yet to know that I was a part of the best band in the state in our class, was amazing. I have always been mediocre at best with anything, so that season of marching band, changed so much. We got first at State that year. Most amazing year.
The show from my senior year I will never forget. Recently it was found and posted on Facebook. So many memories.... We got 9th at State. Solo and Ensemble my senior year I made it to State and got 1st Division. 5 years and I went from last chair to 3rd (What I wanted) in the top band.
It was also my senior year that the dreams and aspirations for what I wanted to do as a career died. Thanks to the cost of college, the best I could really do was community college. I wasn't smart enough or talented enough in anything for scholarships and my parents made too much for grants. I had from the time I started band, of aspiring to be like my grandfather, be a music teacher, band director. I knew I would never be a professional flautist, certainly no James Galway. I didn't have the talent for that.
When high school ended, music was over. Of course I always loved listening to music, depending on the mood, I would listen to hard rock but also liked classical. Yeah laugh now.

When I would listen to classical or the like, (Soundtracks, or even Audiomachine now) sometimes I would daydream that I was either the conductor or an instrumentalist. I would picture myself standing there conducting, teaching, thinking about if grandpa would be proud of me or not....
After high school graduation, the Armstrong flute I was playing on, got put away, I made sure to keep but I wondered if I would ever play again. All the dreams and aspirations I had were dead.
I graduated in 2000. I'm so young right? lol Late 2005 I moved from Indiana to Arkansas. I went over 5 years with barely touching my flute. I didn't give up playing again but I knew if I did, I would have work to do to get anywhere near what I once was. Soon after I started playing at church. Thank God at that time I wasn't the only flautist on stage. I was terrified for several weeks each Sunday I was there. There were times I wanted to quit..... I've been on our church stage now for almost 12 years. Most of those years I have been the lone flautist. I almost prefer that because if I screw it up, nobody knows because it's not me messing up and another flute playing it right.

Finally I got to join our local community band in early 2009. It was part of the conditions in being able to replace my Armstrong with the Yahama I play on now. I was nearly last chair, and still am. I was and still am content with 2nd flute. (2nd part) though sometimes I would like to play 1st. Never solos though! I am NOT that good, certainly not anymore. When I started community band, we had a 10 flute section, now it's usually 4-5...... Yet we still have fun, at least I do. As long as I don't get called on for messing something up anyway!

Now to be honest, if you asked me which I liked better, listening or playing music, it would depend on the moment. Often though I get much enjoyment out of listening. I can't stand doing housework or driving without something going.
We all have songs that take us back down memory lane, most of us probably have at least five that would bring memories flooding back to different times in our lives. I have a good handful..... Yet the one that brings the most memories of high school back is this one. Though as to marching band seasons, it would be this and this by Queen, hands down!
My years in band held some of the most memorable times of my life. Oh sure it had ups and downs when it came to music/band but as a forever band geek, I'll never forget it. I just hope and pray my daughter in the frustrations in learning the basics will get to experience the fun and enjoyment also. And maybe even someday my son will also.
Music isn't just about notes on a page or the latest album by the top charted music group, it's about the art. Music is an art, an expression, and I would dare say, there are more pieces of music out there than there would be almost anything else. Music has been around for thousands of years, and it has no sign of stopping. Oh yeah, there are bad music groups out there, and even bad music fails like this one.

~ Special Momma ~